Aug 19

August 2017 UNC Meeting Notes

The August monthly UNC community meeting covered the following discussion topics:

  1. Ledroit Park – A representative from the Ledroit Park Civic Association discusses how they have engaged over the long term on public safety issues.
  2. Petworth – A representative from a block in Petworth that has experienced an ongoing issue with specific violent criminals, known drug dealers/pimps presents on how a block works to track activity of specific criminals.
  3. Georgia Avenue Thrive – A representative from GA Ave. Thrive presents on the steps they are taking to set up a public safety committee.
  4. Councilmember Brianne Nadeau reports on her public safety activities and the recent Newton Pl. safety walk.
  5. Community discussion – What ideas stood out? How should the Park View UNC move forward?

August 2017 UNC Meeting Notes (PDF)

Jul 11

July 2017 UNC Meeting Notes

July’s monthly UNC community meeting covered 5 discussion topics:

  • Community announcements/concerns

  • UNC Officer reports

  • Annual Park View Summer Block Party planning
  • DPR/Park View Rec Center presentation: Greg Poag

  • Friends of Park View Park group presentation: Sherita Alexander

July 2017 Meeting Notes (PDF)

Jul 31

July Meeting Notes

July’s meeting covered 2 topics: lead in our water and what the community would like to see as part of the community benefits package from the Park Morton redevelopment. Click below to see notes from the meeting. If you have any feedback or have an idea for the Community Benefits Package, please send an email to

July 2016 Meeting Notes

May 26

Draft Streets Working Group Report

In 2015, the UNC launched the Park View Streets Working Group, a collaborative effort by neighbors to improve the streets of Park View. The goals of the group are to improve pedestrian, auto, and bicycle safety, increase wheelchair and stroller access to sidewalks, ensure adequate maintenance, and improve the general appearance, cohesiveness, and rational design of Park View and surrounding areas, while ensuring adequatestreet parking and avoiding traffic congestion.

We hope to use this report to start a conversation with city officials, other civic groups, and neighbors about ways to better improve our neighborhood streets.

Click here to read the draft report in PDF format..

Comments on the report can be submitted to The UNC will be voting on a final version of the report to present to city leaders later this summer.

Apr 14

Earth Day Beautification and Cleanup – Saturday, April 22nd

We’re excited to be partnering with Georgia Avenue Thrive and the Bruce Monroe @ Park View 5th Graders to sponsor our 4th Annual Earth Day Beautification and Neighborhood Cleanup!

We’ll be planting summer flowers at the rec center, the Park View sign at Irving and Georgia and in the tree boxes near the metro and fanning out across the neighborhood to pick up trash. Come spend your Earth Day acting locally with the UNC and Georgia Avenue Thrive!

Meet at the Park View Rec Center at 10 AM. Bring small tools for planting, if you can. Snacks and a pizza lunch will be provided.

**We are seeking donations to help pay for the gardening materials and refreshments.**

Earth Day

Mar 25

Petition for Small Non-Profit Relief in DC

The Board of the United Neighborhood Coalition has been struggling with a difficult problem. In the District of Columbia, non-religious non-profits that earn more than $1,500 per year are required to obtain a business license that costs $412.50 (paid every two years).

The UNC was once very small, but as we grow we run the risk of exceeding the $1,500 threshold. Paying the $412.50 licensing fee would be a poor use of our limited member donations that are intended to improve our community, but we have limited options if we are to grow as an organization.

DC’s licensing requirement is the most burdensome of any US jurisdiction (it charges the highest fee, and exempts only the tiniest non-profits). Recognizing this, we reached out to Ward One Councilmember Brianne Nadeau and DCRA for help, resulting in the drafting of the Charitable Solicitations Relief Amendment Act of 2016. When fully implemented, the bill would exempt non-profits with incomes less than $25,000 per year from the charitable solicitation licensing requirement and associated fees.

However, the bill has not been introduced, mainly because it would cost an estimated $250,000 in lost licensing fees to DCRA. While cost is important, this is a small amount in relation to the important work done by non-profit volunteers across our city.

We are therefore urging the UNC membership to sign a petition being circulated in support of the bill:

Please support the work of small non-profits in our communities by urging city leaders to pass this important piece of legislation!

Jan 31

January 2016 Meeting Minutes

UNC meeting – January 6, 2016

# of members: 10
# of guests: 2

Start time: 7:05
End time: 8:04

1. Officers’ reports

• Vice President Marcus Hendrick reports that he has been tracking and working on the Park Morton redevelopment and the permanent disposal of the Bruce Monroe Park site, which have become one project because city developers have selected the Bruce Monroe site as their first-build choice for Park Morton.

The city has hosted several community events and Marcus has tried to attend all of them. These are opportunities for the community to provide input on the units on the site, green space, and other amenities at the site. Right now both sites have planned green space, but there are many questions about what that will look like. All are encouraged to attend as many meetings as you can. The city does seem to be listening and have incorporated community input as the process progresses. The architects are particularly interested in hearing input, so during the design phase this is a worthwhile engagement opportunity.

• Treasurer Janisha Richardson is not present and did not have any reports.
• Secretary has nothing to report.
• President Chris Waldmann has hard copies of membership forms and community members can also join via the website,

Chris also reports that he attended a neighborhood walk with the Mayor that went from the Metro down Spring Rd. in Ward 4 to Georgia, over to Warder and Park. Community members were able to point out issues to the Mayor. Many streets issues were mentioned to the Mayor, including sidewalk and streets repair, tree boxes, litter, illegal dumping, etc. Chris will circulate the final report that Gabriel sent out.

Ms. Matthews asks how the community was notified that the walk was happening because only a few people were alerted. Gabriel Rojo from the Mayor’s office explains that there are periodic walk-throughs run by Ward core teams and once a month the Mayor decides which walk to go on. They are not publicized to the public because they become too large and difficult to manage. They usually include ANC commissioners and Core Team members.

Sarah S. suggests that in the future the community leaders get more time to select members of the community that will be able to provide good input. Ms. Matthews also notes that there have been other processes to provide input on street repairs (e.g. age-friendly walk) and that the walk-throughs should not be duplicative and the Mayor’s office should draw on these other processes.

Kent Boese indicated that he got very little notification and requests better information in the future.

2. Committee reports

• Sarah S reports that the Streets Working Group has met twice now and hopes to meet again in January. We need to prioritize the list that has been compiled so far. Gabriel also shared a list of safety study opportunities that we can look at. Please contact Sarah if you are interested in joining this group. [Add Sarah’s #]

• Sherita Alexander reports on Friends of Park View Park. There is a grant application in the works that will go to the ANC for an African Dance and Drumming event. ANC would be happy to put it on the agenda next week if the application is completed. There is discussion of the role that the UNC will play as the fiduciary agent for the grant.

3. Community announcements

• Ms. Matthews asks Gabriel Rojo from the Mayor’s office to report to the 4th District Commander and substation that our area is consistently losing people in the PSA to other PSAs and she expresses frustration that the community has to go back to square 1 when new people come in. She says there is increased crime activity by Georgia and Newton they are not getting sufficient response. Kent adds that we need stability in the police force if we are to have stability in addressing long-term safety in the community. Chris asks Ms. Matthews to send him her list of known hot spots.
• The next Park Morton Steering Committee meeting is TBD.
• Community members note that the trash problem between Quebec and the metro on the eastern side of Georgia is becoming a huge problem.

4. Filling board slots

• Marcus nominates David Morrison and Sarah nominates Judy Mason
• Kent and Ms. Matthews second
• Vote is unanimous with no opposition or abstention.

5. Community priorities for the UNC in 2016

• More community cleanup activities, particularly beyond the park/rec center which tends to be the place where these activities have happened in the past. This could be done in conjunction with the Park View Beautification Crew and the Luray-Warder Civic Association.
• DCRA should come talk about illegal construction. We need to know who to call for different problems regarding development.
• 311 representative. There is also no mechanism within 311 to report overgrown grass/weeds.
• Earth Day event this year. Instead of replanting the Rec, we can discuss putting plantings in the tree boxes near the Metro. The City does not appear to maintain these boxes; it is usually civic associations. If this is on Metro land we will need to ask WMATA.
• Bring in business owners and the Main St. organizations (we are getting a Georgia Ave. main street org) to discuss partnership opportunities. We should do more to reach out to the businesses on Georgia Ave. Businesses are also not keeping up with the litter in front of their stores and some businesses are putting their trash into the public trash cans.
• Summer movie night on the field at the rec center? Apparently DPR has done this in the past – could we partner with DPR next time to publicize?
• School lottery/elementary school administration meeting? Would need to be February
• Could we organize a shovel team when it snows to shovel for elderly and disabled community members? There is a snow crew volunteer service that the city runs. Gabriel circulates sign-ups for the DC resident snow team.
• The website – David would like to make it more of a resource center and get community feedback on how to do that. Ideas can also be sent to

Marcus moves to close meeting at 8:04 and Sarah seconds.

Oct 22

(No title)

Park View Streets Working GroupIMG_5824
Neighborhood Walk-Through, Sunday November 15th, 2-4 pm
Meet at the Park View Recreation Center

The Park View United Neighborhood Coalition (UNC) has launched a new working group focused on improving our streets. Goals for the group include adding safety features like signs and cross walks, repair and maintenance, and adding or improving tree boxes, bike lanes, trash cans, and alleys.

The group wants to hear from you about the problems you have noticed on your block. A walk-through has been scheduled for Sunday, November 15th and all neighbors are welcome and encouraged to attend. To join the group and receive updates, contact parkviewuncdc (at)

Oct 06

Thank you to USA Football

The Park View UNC “Friends of Park View Park” Commituntitled-4215tee was pleased to be able to serve the Park View Hurricanes, a football team run by the Park View Recreation Center. The Grant was sponsored by USA Football, a charitable program affiliated with the NFL.


With the funds the football team, coach Craig Hughes successfully purchased 6 step over bags and 15 chin straps. We are very thankful for USA Football’s generous contribution, and the children were very pleased with their new supplies!

Jun 30

Launch of the Park View Streets Working Group

Streets Meeting: Part 2

Launching the Park View streets working groupIMG_2778

We had an active community meeting in June on the topic of streets planning and maintenance. Let’s continue the conversation this month by launching a working group to tackle these issues moving forward.

Park View lacks a long-term plan for redeveloping its streets and sidewalks for better tree cover, accessibility, and safety. Also, many streets and alleys are in poor repair, and the city has been slow in responding to 311 requests. Now, a group of neighbors wants to organize to address these issues. At the July meeting, we will discuss the goals for the Park View Streets Working group, begin to develop strategies and assign roles. Please join this process!

Community Meeting
Launch of the Park View Streets Working Group
and planning the annual Park View block party
Wednesday, July 1st, 7-8pm
Park View Rec Center, 693 Otis Pl NW
sponsored by the Park View United Neighborhood Coalition

Introductions/Officer and Committee Reports
Community Announcements
Park View Streets Working Group
Block Party Planning

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