

Jun 30

Launch of the Park View Streets Working Group

Streets Meeting: Part 2

Launching the Park View streets working groupIMG_2778

We had an active community meeting in June on the topic of streets planning and maintenance. Let’s continue the conversation this month by launching a working group to tackle these issues moving forward.

Park View lacks a long-term plan for redeveloping its streets and sidewalks for better tree cover, accessibility, and safety. Also, many streets and alleys are in poor repair, and the city has been slow in responding to 311 requests. Now, a group of neighbors wants to organize to address these issues. At the July meeting, we will discuss the goals for the Park View Streets Working group, begin to develop strategies and assign roles. Please join this process!

Community Meeting
Launch of the Park View Streets Working Group
and planning the annual Park View block party
Wednesday, July 1st, 7-8pm
Park View Rec Center, 693 Otis Pl NW
sponsored by the Park View United Neighborhood Coalition

Introductions/Officer and Committee Reports
Community Announcements
Park View Streets Working Group
Block Party Planning