

Jun 01

Improving Our Streets – June 3rd

unnamedHave an idea for our streets and sidewalks?
Park View is a wonderful neighborhood, but as many have pointed out, many of our streets need more tree boxes, wider sidewalks, and safety features like speed bumps and better signs.

The Park View United Neighborhood Coalition (UNC) is engaged in an effort to bring improvements to our streets and sidewalks. There is currently no formal city plan to improve Park View’s “streetscape.” Come out to the UNC meeting this Wednesday for a conversation with city planning officials to see how we can get more attention focused on our neighborhood streets!

Also: does your street need repairs or minor improvements? The Mayor’s Constituent Services Office will be at the meeting Wednesday to hear your complaints and connect you with the right agency to solve your problem!

Community Meeting: Park View’s Streets
June 3, 2015, 7-8pm
Park View Recreation Center (693 Otis Pl NW)
Sponsored by the Park View United Neighborhood Coalition

Kelly Peterson
Transportation Planner
Policy, Planning & Sustainability Administration
District Department of Transportation
Polina Bakhteiarov
Great Streets Manager
Government of the District of Columbia
Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning & Economic Development