At the Park View UNC meeting on November 5th, we will elect officers and at-large board members to serve for 2015. These are important positions for shaping what we can accomplish in the next year and the direction that the UNC takes as we move forward!
We are currently accepting nominations for all positions. If you would like to run, please contact the current secretary at We will publish your name in the November Park View UNC newsletter to alert the neighborhood of your interest. You must be a UNC Member when your term starts on the board. If you aren’t a member yet, you can join here.
Nominations must be made by October 28th in order to make it into the November newsletter.
Below are descriptions of the duties for each office paraphrased from the bylaws. The board typically meets once per month for about an hour, so the time commitment isn’t huge. If you have questions about the duties of each position, you can also contact the board at and we’ll be sure to get back to you right away.
- · Presides at meetings of the UNC
- · Presides at meetings of the Board of Directors
- · Keeps the files of the UNC
- · Performs the other normal duties of a president (however, you are NOT the commander-in-chief of the Park View military!)
- · Performs other duties as prescribed by the membership
- · Assists the President in the performance of their duties
- · Performs the other normal duties of a vice-president (state funerals, mall openings, etc.)
- · Performs other duties as prescribed by the membership
- · Keeps the minutes of each UNC meeting
- · Provides the minutes of the any UNC meetings to the Board for approval
- · Keeps the minutes of Board meetings
- · Keeps the official text of the bylaws
- · Performs the other normal duties of a secretary
- · Performs other duties as prescribed by the membership
- · Maintains custody of the funds of the UNC
- · Deposits these funds in an account approved by the Board
- · Maintains records of all transactions involving UNC funds
- · Provides a monthly financial report to the Board
- · Performs the other normal duties of a treasurer
- · Performs other duties as prescribed by the membership
In addition to the officer positions, there are four (4) at-large members of the Board. Together, the Board does the following:
- · Puts together, for general approval, an annual budget for the UNC
- · Approves funds disbursements for UNC events and grants
- · Publishes the UNC newsletter
- · Other duties as needs arise